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In-Person Visitation Policies
Oakmonte Village of Davie Visitation Policies
Policy Overview
The State of Florida Division of Emergency Management amended Executive Order No 20-011 allowing assisted living communities to permit visits, subject to certain guidelines, effective October 22, 2020.
Visitation Policy & Procedure
- Royal Senior Care will not require a vaccine as a condition of visitation.
- Royal Senior Care must allow consensual physical contact between a resident, client, or patient and the visitor.
- A resident may be visited by no more than 4 general visitors at a time and children can visit with appropriate monitoring.
- As a precaution and following best practices and facility infection control policy and procedures, the facility will require visitors to adhere to infection-control protocols, including health screenings and wearing personal protective equipment. If a visitor refuses, the facility may deny entry for noncompliance.
- The policies and procedures require that visitors agree in writing to follow the provider’s policies and procedures. A provider may suspend in-person visitation of a specific visitor if the visitor violates the provider’s policies and procedures.
- The resident may designate a visitor as his/her essential caregiver.
- Visitation Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Upon request, the facility shall make provisions to extend visiting hours for caregivers and out-of-town guests, and in other similar situations. Royal Senior Care will allow in-person visitation by the essential caregiver for at least 2 hours daily in addition to any other visitation authorized by the facility.
- All visitors must sign in and submit to a screening which may include and/or a questionnaire about health status.
- Florida Statute 408.823 requires additional policies for resident visitation during these circumstances. The visitation policies and procedures required by this section must allow in-person visitation in all of the following circumstances, unless the resident, client, or patient objects:
- End-of-life situations.
- A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.
- The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.
- A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.
- A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.
- A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.
- The facility administrator will be the individual designated as responsible for adherences of these policy & procedures.
Policy Overview
This policy is set forth by Florida Statutes, Chapter 408.824 to ensure the health and safety of our residents, employees, and visitors, face masks will be required under certain circumstances, such as when a patient, visitor, or employee is exhibiting signs or symptoms of, or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission. This policy applies to all residents, visitors, and employees two years of age and older. Facial coverings and other personal protective equipment (PPE) recommendations and or requirements may be reviewed and reassessed with national and state standards, and state and federal laws, rules, requirements, and regulations in the event of a community and /or national outbreak.
Face Covering for Infection Control Policy & Procedure
RESIDENT – Under certain circumstances, residents may be required to wear a mask in the common areas of the facility locations if the resident is exhibiting signs or symptoms or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission.
VISITORS – Under certain circumstances, visitors may be required to wear a mask in the common areas of the facility locations if the resident is exhibiting signs or symptoms or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission.
EMPLOYEES – Employees should avoid entering the facility if they are sick. Employees who are sick should contact their immediate supervisor.
Employees will be required to wear a mask if they are working with a resident who is exhibiting signs or symptoms or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission.
RESIDENT – Pursuant to 59AER23-2(1), if we choose to require a facial covering for any resident, the resident has the right to opt-out of wearing a facial covering in accordance with the Florida Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, section 381.026, F.S.
VISITORS – Pursuant to 59AER23-2(2), if we choose to require a facial covering for any visitor, the visitor has the right to opt-out of wearing a facial covering if an alternative method of infection control or infectious disease prevention is available.
EMPLOYEES – We will allow an employee to opt out of facial covering requirements unless an employee is working with a patient whose treating health care practitioner has diagnosed the resident with or confirmed a condition affecting the immune system in a manner which is known to increase risk of transmission of an infection from employees without signs or symptoms of infection to a patient and whose treating practitioner has determined that the use of facial coverings is necessary for the patient’s safety.